Indonesian police have arrested one of Thailand’s “most wanted” fugitives who was on the run after escaping custody in Thailand last year, a senior police official said Sunday. Chaowalit Thongduang, ...
Mainland authorities are set to unveil more supportive measures for Macau following the recent visit by Beijing’s top ...
At least 33 Indian polling staff died on the last day of voting from heatstroke in just one state, a top election official said Sunday, after scorching temperatures gripped swathes of the country.
Iran’s hardline former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday registered his candidacy for a presidential election this month, state media reported. The Islamic republic goes to the polls on June 28 ...
2022年,澳門理工大學杜偉明和黃貴海對娛樂場玩家的賭博問題進行了研究。作爲迄今最全面的研究之一,超過6,000人接受了訪查。在受訪者中,有1,352人坦言自己在過去12個月內至少到娛樂場耍樂一次。逾九成受訪者稱,曾到訪澳門娛樂場或角子機大廳博彩,月 ...
The fourth edition of the annual major tech gathering, BEYOND Expo 2024, placed the spotlight on the latest tech trends, ...
Member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) agreed on Saturday to extend the talks over the pandemic agreement for another year, allowing for more time needed to finalize the landmark treaty ...
中電源動將在城大校園內30多幢建築物天台上,安裝近2,000塊高效能雙面太陽能板,其較傳統單面太陽能板發電量高約一成。整個可再生能源系統將覆蓋校園天台面積高達4,500平方米,預計每年可產生約115萬度電,相等於約280個家庭的一年用電量,預計每年有 ...
Businesswoman Halla Tomasdottir was set on Sunday to become Iceland’s new president, election results showed, beating former prime minister Katrin Jakobsdottir, who critics said was too political for ...
OPPO’s commitment to sports philanthropy Amidst the atmosphere surrounding this year’s UEFA Champions League final, OPPO and ...
At a job fair for soon-to-be graduates in central Shanghai, recruiters sat bored under washed-out tarpaulins as rain and an ...
根據分析連續年份數據的GlobalEconomy.com透露,澳門將其城市生產總值的5.25%投放於教育領域(1998年至2021年),領先於挪威或香港(在1971年至2021年間的投放比例為4%,位列第80名)。但該數值仍低於教育及青年發展局(即教 ...